How do I craft items?
To craft an item, just click the "Craft" button on the bottom right in the Shop! This will bring up the list of items you can craf...
How do I get new items to craft?
Mostly, you unlock new item blueprints by crafting other items! New blueprints are frequently found on another item's Craft Progress chain.
How do I level up? What gives experience, and how much?
You level up by selling items! Each item you sell gives you a bit more experience.The more an item is worth, the more experience you get for...
What does the Master do? How do I level him up?
The Master is necessary for crafting higher-end items - a few Tier 5, but mostly Tier 6+. You don't need to hire him until you get to that p...
Do I lose my investments if I change guilds?
No, you don't! All your investments are saved on your account. If you change guilds, they're removed from the old guild and added to the new...
How do I get more customers to visit?
The number of customers you get in your shop is determined by two things: how big your shop is, and how many items you currently have on dis...
What's the Craft Progress Chain?
The more times you craft the same item, the better you get at it! Every item has a Craft Progress Chain that advances as you craft more of t...
What is Prestige for?
Prestige doesn't have any in-game effects - it's purely a cosmetic value, and for competing on the Prestige leaderboard!
What do Research Scrolls do?
Research scrolls are used to unlock blueprints! If you have scrolls but don't see any blueprints to unlock with them, then you probably have...
How do I get keys?
Keys are available in a few ways!As drops from boss fights (this is the most common way to obtain them)As rare drops from non-boss questsIn ...
What level do my heroes have to be to use higher tier equipment?
As your heroes level up, they'll be able to use higher tier gear! The level requirements for each tier are below.Tier 2: Level 3Tier 3: Leve...
How do I leave my current guild?
You can leave your guild for a new one (or make your own) in the City screen! Press the Guild button from the City view, then open the Finde...
Why can't I sell this item or put it on a rack?
You probably have it locked! You can check this by going into your inventory and tapping on the item in question. There's a button that look...
What can guild officers do?
Guild officers are like miniature Guildmasters! They can manage guild settings and kick non-Officers. However, they can't ever kick other Of...
Where do I get Ascension Shards, and how do they work?
Ascension Shards can be found in chests, in the Fortune Zone, or in the in-game Store!To use your Ascension Shards, open the information for...
Why do my city buildings keep leveling down?
Someone probably left your guild! The city's investments are the sum total of the individual investments of each guild member. When someone ...
How do I get champion coins?
Every now and then, a champion will come into your shop with a special request. These award champion coins when you complete them! You can a...
What's net worth? How do I increase it?
Your net worth is the amount of gold you've made selling to customers in your shop! That's also the only way to increase it. Investing, sell...
How does the Inn work?
The Inn reduces resting time after a dungeon - but it doesn't affect every dungeon! The first couple of levels reduce the resting time after...
Why isn't my guild showing up in search?
There are a few reasons a guild might not show up in a search!The player searching for it is in the guild. You can't search for a guild you'...
Why can't I visit this person's shop? Why does it say it's out of date?
That just means the person you're trying to view isn't on the same version of the game that you are! They likely just haven't logged in on t...
How do I unlock Enchanting and the Scholar?
There are a few steps / requirements here!: Have Wizard or Priestess hired Complete a quest, this will trigger the enchanting tutorial Compl...
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